You know those people that look at the bright side and radiate joy? I have wondered how they do that for quite a long time. You see, I am drawn to those people and want that for my life too. While I know they have moments of weakness and bad days too, I am quite certain they recover much quicker than others.
Joy was not my focus until a coworker and I started discussing it (several years ago). Our questions were along the lines of how do you get it, keep it, and radiate joy day in and day out. We are both believers and we talked about several verses discussing joy. Those verses continually say to just have joy, and I just didn’t get it. We started a Bible study group at work with this focus. Unfortunately, we never finished it and I continued on my quest for joy.
Strangely, I don’t know what woke me up. It really was like the cartoons where the light bulb lights up and it was staring me in the face. It’s a choice. Not like flipping a switch from mundane to joyful. Literally, a daily change of attitude, outlook, positive self-talk, the people you surround yourself with and the music and media you allow in your home and life. I know! That’s a lot of stuff to go through.
I’ll be honest here, it really felt like too much at first. And it can be really hard to choose joy. The other emotions are so much easier-fear, anger, doubt, weakness. It takes no effort at all to feel those things, the enemy really makes it easy for you to drown in those emotions. But is that really where you want to remain?
Joy and Positive Affirmations
I knew this year would be difficult to choose joy. Knowing that, I still made that my goal. It’s a constant, daily focus and goal. I saw a father and daughter online where the dad was having his daughter repeat after him positive affirmations. Oh, it pulled at my heart something fierce. So I did the same thing with my son in the morning. It was so powerful, and we had an amazing day!
Speak the wonderful talents and gifts of your children, spouse, parents and friends. We all need to be told how worthy and wonderful we are. Don’t hold back those complements you think of others, even strangers. Be the instrument to bring joy to others!
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